Additional Product Information:
Quick & Simple Water-Soluble Packets

Some cleaning products are delivered and stored more efficiently as powders instead of liquids. To complement the innovative One Packs™ premeasured systems for liquids, Stearns has developed the revolutionary Water Flakes® water-soluble packets for powder concentrates.
Water Flakes® are exact portions of powdered cleaning concentrates, packaged in a water-soluble film that dissolves quickly in water. Just toss one into a sink, toilet bowl, or bucket of water, and you have the perfect-strength solution in seconds - without measuring, pouring, or even opening any packages.
Water Flakes® give you the same great advantages as One Packs™ - no waste, no confusion, and point-of-use mixing without dispensing equipment. They are shipped in your choice of lightweight storage tubs or larger size reuseable pails, and are offered in 10 popular formulations.