LEED-EB Facility Rating System Overview
The concept of Green Cleaning began with Presidential Executive Order 13101 dated September 14, 1998 titled "Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition".
In the order a policy was established to prefer pollution prevention, recycling and safe disposal in government facilities. Over the years, this has expanded to the commercial market.
Green Cleaning now means the best use of products that reduce indoor pollution as well as reduce environmental pollution and favor sustainable materials.
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What is the Green Cleaning Market?
During an ISSA meeting, representatives from the EPA, Green Seal, US Green Building Council and other organizations defined the market as "a broad scope of concerns including products (i.e. chemicals, janitorial paper products, MATS, equipment, etc.), processes, and the safety and health of building occupants and cleaning professionals."
What Products are sold to the Green Cleaning Market?
The obvious products that come to the forefront of the Green Cleaning marketplace are chemicals and paper due to their potential toxicity and/or recycle/disposal properties. Other products such as mats play an important role in improving indoor air quality.
For example, in discussing mats, these organizations (EPA www.epa.gov, Green Seal www.greenseal.org, US Green Building Council www.usgbc.org, etc.) have referred to them as "…the first line of defense". In addition, they call for a minimum of 10-12 feet of mats at the entrance of a building as a way to keep dirt and moisture contained thereby reducing the need for cleaning and reducing the quantity of chemicals required for that purpose.
LEED-EB, the nationally recognized voluntary standard for green existing buildings sponsored by the U.S. Green Building Council also recommends entryway systems as a way to improve IAQ (Indoor Air Quality).
Why Certify Your Existing Facility?
The LEED-EB Rating System addresses operations, maintenance and systems retrofits. It is the only LEED rating system that projects can use after the design and construction phases, for ongoing certification of building performance.
While LEED Rating Systems can be useful just as tools for building professionals, there are many reasons why LEED project certification can be an asset:
- Be recognized for your commitment to environmental issues in your community, your organization (including stockholders), and your industry
- Receive third party validation of achievement
- Qualify for a growing array of state & local government initiatives
- Receive marketing exposure through USGBC Web site, annual Greenbuild conference, case studies, and media announcements
LEED-EB Facility Rating System & Certification Levels
The LEED rating systems are developed by USGBC committees, in adherence with USGBC policies and procedures guiding the development and maintenance of rating systems. LEED-EB is only possible due to the generous volunteer efforts of many individuals, and has been in development for over 2 years. This rating system was approved by member ballot in October 2004, after considering input from the public during two comment periods. LEED-EB is one of a growing portfolio of rating system products serving specific market sectors.
High Performance & Eco-Friendly Floor Mats qualify your facilty in the following ways:

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Sustainable Sites -
INTENT: Encourage grounds/site/building exterior management practices that have the lowest environmental impact possible and preserve ecological integrity, enhance diversity and protect wildlife while supporting building performance and integration into surrounding landscapes.
REQUIREMENTS: Have in place over the performance period a low-impact site and green building exterior management plan that addresses the topics listed below. One point is earned for each four items addressed.
- Maintenance equipment
- Plantings
- Animal and vegetation pest control
- Landscape waste
- Irrigation management
- Fertilizer use
- Snow removal (where applicable)
- Cleaning of building exterior
- Paints and sealants used on building exterior
- Other maintenance of the building exterior
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Materials & Resources -
INTENT: Reduce the environmental impacts of the materials acquired for use in the operations and maintenance of buildings and in the upgrading of building services.
REQUIREMENTS: Maintain a sustainable purchasing program covering at least office paper, office equipment, furniture, furnishings and building materials for use in the building and on the site. A template calculator will be provided for LEED-EB MR Credit 2.1–2.5. One point (up to a maximum of five) will be awarded for each 10% of total purchases over the performance period (on a dollar basis) that achieve at least one of the following sustainability criteria:
- Contains at least 70% salvaged material from off site or outside the organization
- Contains at least 70% salvaged from on site through an internal organization materials & equipment reuse program
- Contains at least 10% post-consumer or 20% post-industrial material
- Contains at least 50% rapidly renewable materials
- Is FSC-certified wood
- Contains at least 50% materials harvested and processed or extracted and processed within 500 miles of the project
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Materials & Resources -
INTENT: Facilitate the reduction of waste and toxins generated by building occupants and building operations that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills.
REQUIREMENTS: Have in place over the performance period a building occupant waste reduction and recycling program that addresses the separation, collection and storage of materials for recycling, including (at a minimum) paper, glass, plastics, cardboard/OCC, metals, batteries and fluorescent lamps and diversion from landfill disposal. Each time reusable architectural panels are moved and reinstalled, they can be counted as part of the total waste stream and included in the recycled component of the waste stream.
Collect and recycle at least 95% of the batteries used, and collect and recycle at least 95% of the fluorescent lamps used.
- Divert/Recycle 30% of total waste stream (by weight or volume) (1 point)
- Divert/Recycle 40% of total waste stream (by weight or volume) (2 points)
- Divert/Recycle 50% of total waste stream (by weight or volume) (3 points)
How a Floor Mat Meets This Requirement:
High-performance mats can have a performance life of many years. Many of the high-performance products available through our online catalog have extended warranties, some up to 6 years. Other mats with inexpensive construction have a 90 to 180-day performance life.
To function effectively in a green building, sustainability is key. Low-performance mats will need to be replaced more frequently causing a disposal issue.
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Environmental Quality -
INTENT: Reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems, the environment and reduced deposition of contaminants in the buildings.
REQUIREMENTS: Utilize over the performance period entryway systems (grills, grates, mats etc.) to reduce the amount of dirt, dust, pollen and other particles entering the building at all entryways, and develop the associated cleaning strategies to maintain those entryway systems, as well as the exterior walkways.
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Environmental Quality -
INTENT: Reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems, the environment and reduced deposition of contaminants in the buildings.
REQUIREMENTS: Have in place over the performance period a low-impact environmental cleaning policy addressing:
- Sustainable cleaning systems
- Use of sustainable cleaning products
- Use of chemical concentrates and appropriate dilution systems
- Proper training of maintenance personnel in the hazards, use, maintenance and disposal of cleaning chemicals, dispensing equipment and packaging
- Use of hand soaps that do not contain antimicrobial agents (other than as a preservative system), except where required by health codes and other regulations (i.e., food service and health care requirements)
- Use of cleaning equipment that reduces impacts on IAQ
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Environmental Quality -
INTENT: Reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems, the environment and reduced deposition of contaminants in the buildings.
REQUIREMENTS: Develop, implement and maintain a low environmental impact integrated indoor pest management policy. The policy must specify the use of cleaning products that meet the requirements identified in MR credit 4.1– 4.3.
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Environmental Quality -
INTENT: Reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems the environment and reduced deposition of contaminants in the buildings.
REQUIREMENTS: Develop/adopt/maintain a policy for the use of janitorial equipment that maximizes effective reduction of building contaminants with minimum environmental impact.
Cleaning equipment policy needs to specify that:
- Vacuum cleaners meet the requirements of the Carpet & Rug Institute Green Label Program and are capable of capturing 96% of particulates 0.3 microns in size and operate with a sound level less than 70dBA.
- Hot water extraction equipment for deep cleaning carpets is capable of removing sufficient moisture such that carpets can dry in less than 24 hours.
- Powered maintenance equipment including floor buffers, burnishers and automatic scrubbers is equipped with vacuums, guards and/or other devices for capturing fine particulates, and shall operate with a sound level less than 70dBA.
- Propane-powered floor equipment has high-efficiency, low-emissions engines.
- Automated scrubbing machines are equipped with variable-speed feed pumps to optimize the use of cleaning fluids.
- Battery-powered equipment is equipped with environmentally preferable gel batteries.
- Where appropriate, active micro fiber technology is used to reduce cleaning chemical consumption and prolong life of disposable scrubbing pads.
- Powered equipment is ergonomically designed to minimize vibration, noise and user fatigue.
- Equipment has rubber bumpers to reduce potential damage to building surfaces.
- A log will be kept for all powered housekeeping equipment to document the date of equipment purchase and all repair and maintenance activities and include vendor cut sheets for each type of equipment in use in the logbook.
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